Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Liberty Dollars

Why Liberty Dollars? Why use a different form of currency when everyone already takes greenbacks? Whats the point?

First of all, what IS a Liberty Dollar? a Liberty is fully backed by a specific amount of Silver. As the price of Silver in Greenbacks (hereafter "GB") goes up, the value of the Liberty goes up. Currently the $10 Liberty is backed by 1 ounce. Should the GB price go over $10 than the Liberty will "float" to a value of $20, this keeps the bill slightly ahead of inflation.

So inflation is really the primary reason to use the Liberty over the GB. Another reason is that it raises awareness that the FED isnt the only player in currency. The other, perhaps more compelling reason to use them is that you can get them at a discount over their face value. An Associate gets them for 20% less than face value. So a $10 bill would cost you $8. Then you spend that $10 and have made a $2 GreenBack profit.

Becoming an Associate is a total of $250, you get $100 in Libertys (yes that is the correct spelling) $100 goes to the person who signed you up, and $50 is for the mint (paperwork + profit.) Now at a 20% profit it would take a total of $750 Libertys spent to make up that difference. Now I dont know about you, but I go through an awful lot of money each month and getting 20% could be a huge bonus, and even if you have a fantastic deal on your credit card you would only be geting 5% back.