Tuesday, July 27, 2004

Secure Borders

The Lizard Queen, Hillary, is supporting the need for closed borders with her statement and the DNC "We need to secure our borders." Sounds great, cuz we do need to close the holes up. Our borders are lawless, dangerous and hole-ier than swiss cheese. But as always, the Lizard Queen has a gov 'solution' that wont help matters and only increase the size of the fedgov. We need to reorganize our federal government to meet the new threats of these times. We need to make sure that homeland security is properly funded..."

Here is a thought. Lets pull out of some of the countries that we are in. We have military in IIRC 140 countries, not counting our embassies which we need to continue to protect. How about we close 70, send half of those soldiers to the remaining 70 countries thereby making those places (potentially) safer and bringing the other half home to secure the borders here. We could then sell the bases and fund the transfers as well as reduce overhead and allow for more important things, like bullets, so our soldiers can train. Shortages for bullets go back before 9/11 as evidenced by this article on NewsMax dated Feb 8th 2001.

I have been accused of being anti-military by some for this stance, but their idiocy doesnt change facts. Our military is the best in the world because our respect for life (oddly enough) and our superior training. Anything that stands in the way of either of those two harms us.