Saturday, September 01, 2007

Texas Straw Poll results

Saturday, 4 p.m.: The votes are in . . .
And the winner of the first-ever Rebpublican(sic) Straw Poll in Texas is: California Congressman Duncan Hunter, who claimed 534 votes, or 41.1 percent of the ballots cast this afternoon. Finishing second is candidate-in-waiting Fred Thompson, who formally launches his candidacy next week, with 266 votes, or 20.5 percent.

Third was Texas' own Ron Paul, a GOP congressman and one-time Libertarian presidential nominee, who got 217 votes, or 16.7 percent. Paul was far and away the most aggressive campaigner at the two-day Straw Poll event in downtown Fort Worth.
Not bad considering the total lack of MSM coverage. Also something to consider is just who these voters were. The Texas Straw poll placed the following limitation upon voters
Must have been a Delegate or Alternate Delegate to at least one of the last 4 Republican State Conventions (2000, 2002, 2004 or 2006) or one of the last 2 Republican National Conventions (2000 or 2004). This of course means that these were likely longtime Bush supporters.

Duncan Hunter was introduced as "a guy who won’t only protect our borders, he’ll close our borders." This position no doubt gained him much support from Texans. And it is also a position that I think he believes in. We could certainly do worse than Hunter.