Tuesday, September 25, 2007


So you know, I haven't died or given up blogging. I have been quite busy lately with work and with hiking and just trying to live life.

This morning (yesterday now I suppose) I took my boy to Mueller State Park in hopes of seeing some elk. During the hike we did hear some bugling and as we made our way closer we finally found the source! A man. He had come from Kentucky to see the aspens and to hopefully see some elk. Well that of course was the bummer. But we did see a ton of evidence of the elk, from tracks to their eating of the aspen bark. Other tracks we saw include deer, horse, mountain lion (one of them was big), and coyote. We also got to see some deer, a bunny and a bunch of wild turkey and we were able to get fairly close to them.

My hiking buddy! All bundled up against the cold. It was about 30 degrees this morning, possibly colder.

That shadow of the hunchback is me (technically, us)

Towering aspens

View to the east, north of Pikes Peak

This is just how striking the colors of the aspens are. They stand out beautifully against the pines.

Saved the best for last. I think this is my fav picture of all. It just seems to speak of the innocence of childhood. (Well, that is what I get from it anyways)