Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Prepping for work

Some sort of work anyways. I pulled out an old, ancient in fact, tome from the library and am reading thru it to help land me a job should I be back in tech support again. The tome? MCSE Networking Essentials for Dummies, circa 1998. I made it to page 218 in just a couple hours maybe? Partly cuz it is easy info, partly cuz some of it is so outdated as to just skip over.

I can't seem to escape the tech world, but I cant ever rise above the pee-on level either. I wonder if the local library keeps any of the dummies books that are a bit more current? Not that I have the money to take tests but I could win the lotto. It could happen ya know.

Maybe if I get the CCNA, CCNP and an MCSE someone might notice me and make me more than a pee-on, but I doubt it. (the "but I doubt it" was done in my very bestest (or a pathetic attempt at) Eeyore)

According to TCPMag the average salary in 2004 (latest figures I could find) for CCNA was 60K. I checked out MCPMag and their 2006 salary survey showed an MCSA Win2003 worth 95k in Colorado with a whopping 112K in Denver. 112K would buy a little bit of happiness and bring lots of women to my door.