Sunday, September 24, 2006

Proposed Law: Must Own Firearm

Greenleaf, Idaho -- All Americans have the right to bear arms. Some towns have even gone as far as to require each household to have a gun. Now a small Idaho town is contemplating a similar idea-- it's called the Civil Emergencies Ordinance. And although gun ownership is just one piece of this ordinance, it's the part that's getting the most attention.

If city council member Steve Jett has his way, each head of household that can legally own a gun, will. Along with that they're encouraged to have ammunition and appropriate training.

The proposed ordinance is modeled after a similar plan that went into place in 1982 in Kennesaw, Ga. In that instance there was a dramatic decrease in criminal activity.
Remember that Idaho is one of the three states in the Free West Alliance. The other two being Montana and Wyoming. These are states that have a reasonable chance of achieving the Free State Project's dream of "Liberty in our lifetime."