Wednesday, November 10, 2004

World View

World View. It is how you see things and interpret events. There are really only two world views. That G-d is, and that there is no god. Everything else is somewhere in between those two. One could then define a third view, that Man is god. Out of these world views come our every thought and action. Not to say that those who believe in a god dont mess up and that those who dont believe in a god wont pray in times of trouble. Rather, if I believe there is no god and I am the result of naturalistic processes (the god Chance) I would be, just to give a few examples, less likely to take responsibility for my actions and place a lower value on life because life itself has no inherent meaning.

Secular Humanism (SH)has taken over western civilization. We (collectively) no longer believe in a Supreme Being. We no longer take responsibility, we dont give of our time to feed and clothe and minister to the needy, we are no longer connected to others simply because they are our 'neighbors.'

SH is the root cause of the abortion holocaust. Why we have ridiculous lawsuits against tobacco and fast food companies. Why snack food companies are making their packages smaller. And why I cant get a decent sized ice cream cone at McDonalds. (that last one is just a little too close to home!)