Friday, November 26, 2004


Stolen: The affection of my adorable 4 year old niece.

It was stolen by an (also) adorable young female. I am sure you can all guess who the culprit is. It seems that after having met her just once, my niece asks when Nikki is going to come over. Well, we came over yesterday (Thanksgiving) and Brittney was sitting on the couch. She saw us come in and she just looked for a couple of seconds... then her eyes went about as wide as they could go and she got a huge smile on her face. She comes running over and hugs Nikki, but for once there are no hugs for me. Brittney just runs off. What is up? Brittney spent the rest of the night showing Nikki around and playing and giggling.

Very cute, but this worries me as an Uncle. Am I forever relegated to second class? The oh-its-just-you state? I'll have to ponder this one.