Tuesday, October 05, 2004

Attack of the Fish Lips

Quite the odd phrase that... "Attack of the Fish Lips" Sounds kinda like a title for a B flick. But no, this phrase was heard elsewhere. In fact, it was said of me... Earlier today Nikki was talking about some sites online she had visited about kissing. Should I be taking a hint here? Am I just not good enough? Do I need to be signing up for some classes? Or is it simply the fish face I make that cracks her up?

I couldnt wiggle my ears and wouldnt flip my eyelids up, so that fish face is the one skill I had as a kid. Until now it was only a way to make kids smile, now it works on Nikki too, only better. Problem is, her laughing make me laugh, and I cant hold the face when I laugh.

I hope all you guys out there can find someone as wonderful as Nikki is. (but not her, she is taken!)