Monday, September 06, 2004

Decidedly Un-manly Poetry

I read in SOF that John Effing Kerry is refering to the 'great' american poet Langston Hughes' work "Let America Be America Again" Check it out if you want to, but let me just tell you it really isnt much worth reading. Of perhaps more interest is not that particular piece of work, but who Langston Hughes was and the other things he has written. Hughes was a G-d hating man and a communist. Of particular interest to me is his poem "Goodbye Christ"

A bit from that last piece...
You ain't no good no more.
They've pawned you
Till you've done wore out.

Christ Jesus Lord God Jehova,
Beat it on away from here now.
Make way for a new guy with no religion at all—
A real guy named
Marx Communist Lenin Peasant Stalin Worker ME—
I said, ME!

Go ahead on now,
You're getting in the way of things, Lord.
And step on the gas, Christ!

Don't be so slow about movin?
The world is mine from now on—
And nobody's gonna sell ME
To a king, or a general,
Or a millionaire.