Thursday, March 10, 2005

Evolution vs Creationism

Given the recent debate amongst the Vox Volk I thought I would post something a bit more substantive. You see, I used to be an evolutionist/theistic evolutionist myself. I loved science, especially astronomy and dinosaurs. One day while reading a bit more about astronomy I found some info that truly changed my beliefs. I read the theory of the Big Bang.

What is the Big Bang theory? Well, it's detractors state it best... "First there was nothing, then it exploded." Nothing indeed! The BB wasn't an explosion of some superdense star/mass. It wasn't even a star that exploded. Nope. It was "nothing" that exploded. The BB was less than a Planck Length, or 1.6*10^-35 meters. That would be 10^-20 smaller than a proton. Nothing indeed!

From that moment on, evolution was viewed through a jaundiced eye. What was the real story and not just the headline? Was some piece of news being spun into something larger than it really was? The answer most often was "yes." Very few of the "proofs" that are pointed out are truly proofs or even supportive of the theory of evolution.

I'll post more specific things in a soon to come post.